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Priesthood Brethren Guidelines and Responsibilities

for Young Women Groups

Heber Valley Camp—2024

• Stake Presidents and Bishops are responsible for approving, assigning and making sure the Priesthood
brethren who attend Young Women Camp have completed the children and youth protection training as
stated in the handbook. "All adults participating in activities for children and youth are to complete
children and youth protection training before the activity.” (Church Handbook of Instructions 20.7.1)
• Priesthood brethren should be prepared to attend and assist with all young women activities planned by
their unit.
• We appreciate the support of the Priesthood brethren as they assist in the physical safety and spiritual
nature of camp. Brethren who attend will be blessed as their relationships with the Young Women in
their stakes or wards are deepened and enhanced.
• Priesthood brethren should be physically able to assist the Young Women leaders and Young Women
in all daily activities. Activities may include hiking to and from activities, helping at Legacy Lake,
Challenge Course, Tomahawk Toss, service projects and other amenities as needed.
• They should also be physically able to sleep in a tent.
• It is important that the brethren attending camp make themselves available at all times to help their
Young Women leaders and Camp Host missionaries with anything they may need.
• Priesthood brethren must be in a companionship (two or more) at all times while at Heber Valley Camp.
All who arrive after Monday morning need to have their name on the Visitor List.
• No Young Men are permitted in camp during Young Women Camp even to help transport supplies or
Young Women to camp.
o Important Note: Priesthood brethren, including Stake Presidencies and Bishoprics, coming to camp
for any reason may bring their wives but must not bring any other family members with them.
• It is recommended that you bring two brethren per reserved campsite.
• If attending as a Stake, it is recommended that you should provide a minimum of six Priesthood
brethren to with the group at all times.
• If attending as a ward, you should provide a minimum of two Priesthood brethren.
• These priesthood brethren can switch out as needed throughout the week.
• Priesthood brethren, including stake presidencies and bishoprics, are to stay in tents, not in cabins.
• Priesthood brethren will need to bring their own tents, pads and sleeping bags. Each campsite has two 10’
x 12’ tent sites.
• Sleeping in cars, trucks, trailers, campers is not permitted. This is both for the safety of the young women
and priesthood brethren to prevent the opportunity for sexual assault or allegations of sexual assault.

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• Do not bring hammocks (they can damage in trees).
• Priesthood brethren are not to be in Young Women cabins, unless while holding a testimony meeting
during inclement weather, or when a Priesthood blessing is being given. There must be at least two
Priesthood brethren and one Young Woman leader together before entering a cabin for any reason.
• More often than not we do not have extra tent sites. When a Priesthood brother and his wife are both at
camp, the Priesthood brother and spouse should expect to sleep separately. The Priesthood brother will
sleep in a tent and his wife will sleep in a cabin with the Young Women and their leaders.
• If you use a CPAP machine, please bring a battery pack. Power is not available.
• The Camp Hosts will hold a mandatory orientation meeting for all campers, including brethren, at the Main
Amphitheater each Monday at 10:30 am for the first weekly session and Thursday at 3:00 pm for the
second weekly session.
• Guns are not allowed in camp.
• Only law enforcement officers will be permitted to have a weapon in their possession or in their vehicles
while in camp. Possession by others is not permitted.

• Priesthood brethren should not bring bikes, drones or any personal activity equipment to camp.

Lower Gates
• The gates to camp open at 6:30 am and close at 10 pm daily. If you need to come in after 10 pm please get
a gate code from the Camp Hosts
• If the gates are closed, they will automatically open for you to leave. Please be careful to watch that gates
close before you leave so that nobody else is able to enter the camp as you are leaving.
Dress and Grooming Standards
Dress and grooming should be modest and tasteful and conform with the standards of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints and camp dress standards. We recommend:
• Long pants & closed toe shoes especially for challenge course and hiking.
• Knee length shorts acceptable.
Assist at Legacy Lake, Challenge Course, and Tomahawk Toss
• All brethren will be asked to help load and unload canoes at the Lake. Brethren will be permitted on the
lake if space and time are available. Behavior on the lake should reflect the dignity of the Priesthood and
should be sensitive to the feelings and wishes of the Young Women participating.
• At least two brethren must accompany the Young Women to each Challenge Course activity where all
brethren will be asked to assist. Brethren do not need to attend Challenge Course training.
• All brethren who are invited to assist at Legacy Lake, Challenge Course, and Tomahawk Toss will be
appropriately trained by the missionaries.
Outback Camps
o Stakes and wards will need two additional Priesthood brethren to attend each outback (overnight) camp.

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